TANDEM – Your partner in Europe

Meeting challenges of the present and the future in an international context

In cooperation with numerous European organisations we develop innovative solutions for youth, adult education and vocational training and provide good practice methods in national and international projects. In these projects, Tandem operates as initiator, coordinator and project partner.

Our international project work is designed to improve our offer for different target groups and delivers new models of personal and vocational education and training.

COG Wheels


In particular, we support companies acting and expanding on international level by designing and implementing education and consulting measures, job-specific further training and personnel development systems.

Our offer to organisations and companies operating on international level and interested in new projects:

• consulting on funding opportunities

• organisation of partnerships

• project design, planning and application

• project management and implementation support

• project consulting and expert service

• planning and carrying out project events

• project evaluation and quality management


Erasmus Plus

Erasmus Plus is a funding programme of the European Commission to promote life long learning.

Erasmus Plus Website

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

AMIF shall boost national capacities, improve procedures for the migration management, enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between Member States.

AMIF Website

Horizon Europe

The Horizon funding programme wants to boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.

Horizon Website


Address | AT-1120 Vienna, Wolfganggasse 58-60/3 | T: +43 (0) 676 – | Mail: